About us
The Oregon-Jerusalem Historical Society of Ohio
Purpose or purposes for which our organization was formed from the original Articles of Incorporation filed August 30th, 1963 by Ted W. Brown, Secretary of State and our founders, Josephine Fassett, Henry Villhaver, and Josephine M. May
With respect to the City of Oregon, Jerusalem Township of Lucas County, Ohio and the surrounding area.
To encourage and engage in historical research, to preserve and foster the preservation of papers, records, documents, and relics; to publish and encourage the publication of matters of historical interest; to perpetuate the memory and spirit of the men and women who have lived and served; and to secure and hallow historic spots for the erection of monuments or other markers to preserve and encourage the preservation of structures with historical significance.
Mission Statement
The Oregon-Jerusalem Historical Society’s mission is to foster and promote interest in the history and background of the City of Oregon Jerusalem Township and surrounding areas through the promotion and preservation of historic sites and buildings. Maintain a museum to collect, acquire, preserve and store papers, charts, maps, documents, pictures, artifacts, and media portraying the history of the community served this organization.
Today, we are committed to upholding our mission by, “preserving our past and bringing history to life” for our community through educational events and outreach.
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Our Founder, Josephine Fassett
Oregon Jerusalem Historical Society was founded by Josephine Fassett, educator and historian whose career spanned the growth of the Oregon School System from one-room schoolhouses to an entire district.
She retired in 1954 after 46 years with the former Oregon Twp. school system. Josephine went on to serve as Supervisor and later Superintendent of the combined Oregon-Jerusalem Township School System.
From the book, this photo shows young Josephine with her family.
History of Oregon and Jerusalem
1837 to 1961
Josephine Fasset History of Oregon and Jerusalem
Josephine Fassett authored the 300-page history book that has preserved our early history and is the contributor to many of the stories we share with you here.
Read Josephine’s Book! History of Oregon and Jerusalem, published in 1961.
Our Facilities
The Oregon Jerusalem Historical Society maintains five buildings on its campus in Oregon Ohio.
For rental information click here.
The Brandville School Museum complex includes the Brandville School house. Brandville School was built in 1882, was the first 2-story, 2-room brick school in the township.
It held such prestige that students seeking to attend grades 5 to 8 were required to take an entrance exam. When it closed in 1926, it was rented by a rug cleaning company for several years, and then remained vacant for nearly 50 years until it was purchased by the society in 1975. With great effort by the many volunteers it was restored much to its original design and became home to The Oregon-Jerusalem Historical Society of Ohio Inc. In 1994, it was placed on the National Register of Historical Places with the US Department of the Interior.
Brandville Museum Complex

Brandville School Sign with Bell

Entrance to Brandville Schoolhouse, home of Oregon Jerusalem Historical Society

Ladies Tea on the First Floor of Brandville

2019 Ladies Tea

Restored One-Room ‘Sled’ Schoolhouse

Historic photo of One-Room Schoolhouse

Inside of the one-room schoolhouse featuring furnishings from various periods of Oregon School History

Inside of the one-room schoolhouse featuring furnishings from various periods of Oregon School History

Record player and other artififacts can be found in the Carriage House including the interior store displays and cabinets of the Metzgers' store

Horse Barn with horse-drawn sleigh and stand-in team of horses along with other historical items

Gathering Of the 2022 Annual Meeting

World War One Cannon displayed at the NE corner of Brandville Schoolhouse bordered by brick pavers in tribute to community residents of the past & present

ADA Accessible entry to Brandville Schoolhouse with Bricks purchased to honor ‘Those who paved the way”